AI / ML for hydro-climatology

TitleAuthor / YearThemeComment
Deep learning, explained: Fundamentals, explainability, and bridgeability to process-based modellingRazavi (2021)Easy steps into DLIntroductory overview
A Transdisciplinary Review of Deep Learning Research and Its Relevance for Water Resources ScientistsShen (2018)First review on DL for hydrological modellingLiterature review
HESS Opinions: Incubating deep-learning-powered hydrologic science advances as a communityShen et al. (2018)First commentary on DL for hydrological modellingCommentary
Rainfall–runoff modelling using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networksKratzert et al. (2018)Application of LSTM to rainfall-runoff modellingTechnical paper
Towards learning universal, regional, and local hydrological behaviors via machine learning applied to large-sample datasetsKratzert et al. (2019)Application of LSTM to a large-sample datasetTechnical paper
Deep learning to represent subgrid processes in climate modelsRasp et al. (2018)Use deep learning to leverage the power of short-term cloud-resolving simulations for climate modelingTechnical paper
Could Machine Learning Break the Convection Parameterization Deadlock?Gentine et al. (2018)Represention of unresolved moist convection in coarse-scale climate modelsTechnical paper
Can deep learning beat numerical weather prediction?Schultz et al. (2021)Review of state-of-the-art machine learning concepts and their applicability to weather dataCommentary
From calibration to parameter learning: Harnessing the scaling effects of big data in geoscientific modelingTsai et al. (2021)Introduction to differentiable parameter learningTechnical paper
Differentiable modelling to unify machine learning and physical models for geosciencesShen et al. (2023)Position paper on the potential of differentiable modelling approachesCommentary

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