Graduate studies matters
What courses are offered by Cornell’s CEE School? How about other departments? All information about courses, enrollment etc. are provided on the website of the Cornell University Registrar. An additional resources we recommend checking out is the EWRS class-list, which contains reviews of courses taken by former EWRS students. Ask Stefano for the credentials to access the class-list.
CEE Graduate Field handbook
Aside from courses, you will need information on requirements, deadlines, exams etc. This information is consolidated in the CEE Graduate Field handbook.
Previous theses and exams
This is a comprehensive list of theses and exams from former and current lab members.
Preliminary exams
PhD defense
PhD theses
MSc theses
- Hunter Douglas thesis
Literature starter-pack
We prepared a reading list for a few important research topics
- Macro-energy systems
- Large-scale hydrological modelling
- Remote sensing for hydrology
- Reservoir operations
- AI / ML for:
- Cyber-security of water infrastructure
- Hydrology and energy systems of:
- Global studies
- Southeast Asia
- South Asia
Which conferences should I attend? To answer this question, it is first important to think about your community, since every scientific community organizes conferences that may be relevant to you. This said, please find below a non-comprehensive list of conferences that CIS Lab members attend: