Macro energy systems
Title | Author / Year | Theme | Comment | Recommended Order |
Macro-Energy Systems: Toward a New Discipline | Levi et al. (2019) | Introduction | Defines macro-energy systems modeling | 1 |
Leveraging open-source tools for collaborative macro-energy system modeling efforts | DeCarolis et al. (2020) | Introduction | Answers to why we need the open-source approach to energy systems modeling | 11 |
Power sector modeling 101 | Boyd (2016) | Introduction | Introduces different types of power system models | 2 |
Trends in tools and approaches for modelling the energy transition | Chang et al. (2021) | Introduction | Surveys research areas in using energy systems model along with different tools in the market. It also discusses model coupling | 8 |
The gap between energy policy challenges and model capabilities | Savvidis et al. (2019) | Introduction | Maps policy-relevant questions to modeling tools | 7 |
Core process representation in power system operational models: Gaps, challenges, and opportunities for multisector dynamics research | Oikonomou et al. (2022) | Technical | Introduces and reviews production cost models | 3 |
Linopy: Linear optimization with n-dimensional labeled variables | Hofmann (2023) | Technical | Shortly describes optimization modeling frameworks and solvers | 5 |
An open-source framework for balancing computational speed and fidelity in production cost models | Akdemir et al. (2024) | Technical | Introduces model reduction techniques | 6 |
Reinventing the energy modelling–policy interface | Strachan et al. (2016) | Challenges - policymaking | Energy modelling has a crucial underpinning role for policy making, but the modelling–policy interface faces several limitations. A reinvention of this interface would better provide timely, targeted, tested, transparent and iterated insights from such complex multidisciplinary tools | 13 |
Does cost optimization approximate the real-world energy transition? | Trutnevyte (2016) | Challenges - modeling | Describes uses of a bottom-up optimization model along with cautionary tales | 4 |
Advancing the representation of reservoir hydropower in energy systems modelling: The case of Zambesi River Basin | Stevanato et al. (2021) | Challenges - modeling | Power system models do not consider the mass-balance of water in reservoirs. An integrated operation requires coupling water-power models. | 9 |
Overcoming the disconnect between energy system and climate modeling | Craig et al. (2022) | Challenges - climate variability | Describes the challenges of integrating energy systems to weather/climate modeling | 10 |
Improving poverty and inequality modelling in climate research | Rao et al. (2017) | Challenges - energy justice | Current models used in climate research have a limited ability to represent the poor and vulner able, or the different dimensions along which they face these risks | 12 |