Hydrology and energy systems - regional focusGlobal studiesTitleAuthor / YearThemeCommentGlobal terrestrial water storage and drought severity under climate changePokhrel et al. (2021)Hydrology-Globally observed trends in mean and extreme river flow attributed to climate changeGudmindsson et al. (2021)Hydrology-Global hydrology 2015: State, trends, and directionsBierkens (2015)Hydrology-Global prevalence of non-perennial rivers and streamsMessager et al. (2021)Hydrology-Influence of El Niño Southern Oscillation on global hydropower productionNg et al. (2017)Water-energy-climate-Power-generation system vulnerability and adaptation to changes in climate and water resourcesvan Vliet et al. (2016)Water-energy-climate-Impacts of climate change on energy systems in global and regional scenariosYalew et al. (2020)Water-energy-climate-PyPSA-Earth. A new global open energy system optimization model demonstrated in AfricaParzen et al. (2023)Power system modelling-Impacts of climate change, policy and Water-Energy-Food nexus on hydropower developmentZhang et al. (2018)Water-energy-food-A review of the current state of research on the water, energy, and food nexusEndo et al. (2017)Water-energy-food-Climate change impacts on the energy system: a review of trends and gapsCronin et al. (2018)Energy-climate-Hydroclimatic shifts driven by human water use for food and energy productionDestouni et al. (2013)Energy-climate-food-Southeast AsiaTitleAuthor / YearThemeCommentCoherent Streamflow Variability in Monsoon Asia Over the Past Eight Centuries—Links to Oceanic DriversNguyen et al. (2020)Hydro-climatic variability in SE AsiaTechnical paperTrading-off fish biodiversity, food security, and hydropower in the Mekong River BasinZiv et al. (2012)Mekong - dam planningTechnical paperPlanning dam portfolios for low sediment trapping shows limits for sustainable hydropower in the MekongSchmitt et al. (2019)Mekong - dam planningTechnical paperOpportunities to curb hydrological alterations via dam re-operation in the MekongGalelli et al. (2022)Mekong - dam operationsTechnical paperChanging sediment budget of the Mekong: Cumulative threats and management strategies for a large river basinKondolf et al. (2018)Mekong - sediment transportPosition paperThe Greater Mekong’s Climate-Water-Energy Nexus: How ENSO-Triggered Regional Droughts Affect Power Supply and CO2 EmissionsChowdhury et al. (2021)Greater Mekong - water-energy-climateTechnical paperSolar energy and regional coordination as a feasible alternative to large hydropower in Southeast AsiaSiala et al. (2021)Greater Mekong - power system planningTechnical paperSouth AsiaTitleAuthor / YearThemeCommentHydroclimatic shifts driven by human water use for food and energy productionDeshmukh et al. (2021)India - Renewable energy-Atmospheric brown clouds: Impacts on South Asian climate and hydrological cycleRamanathan et al. (2005)South Asia: Climate-Hydrology-The Water-Energy-Food Nexus and the Transboundary Context: Insights from Large Asian RiversKeskinen et al. (2016)South Asia: Water-Energy-Food-South Asian agriculture increasingly dependent on meltwater and groundwaterLutz et al. (2022)South Asia: Agriculture-Hydrology-Increased hydropower but with an elevated risk of reservoir operations in India under the warming climateChuphal and Mishra (2023)India: Climate-Hydropower-Projected Increase in Hydropower Production in India under Climate ChangeAli et al. (2018)India: Climate-Hydropower-Hydro-energy cooperation in South Asia: Prospects for transboundary energy and water securitySaklani et al. (2020)South Asia: energy and water security-High Mountain Asia hydropower systems threatened by climate-driven landscape instabilityLi et al. (2022)South Asia: Water-Energy-Food, water, and energy security in South Asia: A nexus perspective from the Hindu Kush Himalayan regionRasul (2014)South Asia: Perspective-Beyond hydropower: towards an integrated solution for water, energy and food security in South AsiaRasul et al. (2018)South Asia: energy and water security-Advances in global hydrology–crop modelling to support the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in South AsiaBiemans and Siderius (2019)South Asia: Agriculture-Hydrology-CONUSTitleAuthor / YearThemeCommentRegional water consumption for hydro and thermal electricity generation in the United StatesLee et al. (2018)CONUS-Insights From Dayflow: A Historical Streamflow Reanalysis Dataset for the Conterminous United StatesGhimire et al. (2023)CONUS-High-resolution modeling of reservoir release and storage dynamics at the continental scaleShin et al. (2019)Conus-Drought and the water–energy nexus in TexasScanlon et al. (2013)Texas-Data‐Driven Reservoir Simulation in a Large‐ScaleHydrological and Water Resource ModelTurner et al. (2020)Columbia River Basin-The Colorado River water crisis: Its origin and the futureSchmidt et al. (2023)Colorado River Basin-Assessing the impacts of dams and levees on the hydrologic record of the Middle and Lower Mississippi River, USARemo et al. (2018)Mississippi River-Impact of climate change on water availability and its propagation through the Western U.S. power gridVoisin et al. (2020)Western US-Effects of climate change on capacity expansion decisions of an electricity generation fleet in the Southeast USRalston Fonseca et al. (2021)Southeastern US-`